Monday, January 15, 2007

"Angelic Relief"

Spread your wings around me; Warm me from the cold reality; Cover my eyes from the things that threaten me; And open me up from the things that i suppose to see; Let me breathe in what you breathe out; Let me feel those feathers to cast away the doubt; Your innocent eyes revealed my mistake; Remembering the chance that i didn't take; Imprison me with your protective touch; From the poison that kills too much; Then set me free to begin with; And release the Anger that i once hid...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oopppsss,im late..but you know that I always sneak in here.

your drawing is superb,Joyce!I love it!and the poem is wonderful,too!

i love these lines:
"Then set me free to begin with;
And release the Anger that i once hid."

have a great weekend!
love yah!

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