Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Michael Jackson "victim of dirty media"

When I was just a little girl and even now I’ve been a fan of Michael Jackson’s music, his unique music that even if I was born in this generation I can still appreciate it unlike Elvis (no offense). But My parents said that he’s a pedophile so they make me feel like ashamed when I listen to MJ. Then I just found out that Michael Jackson was just a victim of the dirty media.
Through my research and the articles I’ve read about his case, I found out myself that Michael Jackson is innocent. The court judged him not guilty and cleared from all charges, not even a single evidence can point out about the sexual assault.
Besides you have to know first we are listening to whom?. Janet Arvizo. In 1998 the family had a history of extortion, shoplifting, and mother once filed a lawsuit against the store claiming that the boys had been beaten by the 3 store detectives. 2 years later she claim she had been sexually assault by the 2 security guard. And a psychiatrist was hired during the litigation and said that Janet was a dilusional schezophrenic. Guys think before you believe.
The children and even Janet's son (who filed case and accused Michael) said there’s no assault and Michael was just being a father-image. A video came out capturing the night of sleepovers revealing not a single evidence of any said assault (in fact Michael let those kids to sleep on his bed leaving Michael on the floor). I can’t believe I was manipulated by the Media, those stain they put in Michael’s name for money… so cruel. 
To clear his name, Michael was neither pedophile nor a gay. The Media became a great influence. They can turn your truth to lies. Everyone is open ear to every word and picture they've been feeding us and we're ignorant and hungry from the truth. .
before you judge me..
try hard to love me..
the painful youth I've had
have you seen my childhood?
- Michael Jackson (Childhood; Free willy OST)
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Do me, Sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, strike me
don't you black or white me
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're Throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which i came
- Michael Jackson (They don't really care about us) 

It was planted all along. The lawsuit and the horrible rumors that destroyed his reputation. It was planted by the secret society MJ was trying to expose. Here's the link to my other post about his death and the conspiracy
The only negative thing about Michael was his disorder. Michael had a vitiligo (disorder of depigmentation of skin/ loss of skin tone). It started on his face, fingers and hands that's why he created the finger tape and the gloves and turned out to be his fashion icon. Michael fought his disease and embraced it, and even used it to be part of who he was. I salute you Michael. The damage from his physical and emotional (his father used to call him "Big nose") Michael was obsessed with his nose but he never had his chin fix or any part of his body like what you've heard from the media. It's NOT TRUE. So Guys please don't judge him why he changed his color because He didn't! It's not his fault why he's turning white coz it's a DISEASE. Here some proofs in case you're in doubt... Michael inspired us by his song "Black Or White" based on his real life. It's ironic to have a disease when you're the one who will raise the black color then you're slowly turning white. Michael was never ashamed of his disease... he's white but black from the heart...

Darcel de Vlugt 
She was 7 years old when the Vitiligo started to show, and when she reached the age of 17 the transformation was complete.


I love Michael songs especially the “Man in the mirror” it'll hits you deeply with the words, and some of his songs like they don’t care about us, earth song, heal the world, and many more. Michael’s music is a part of our history, though his soul is no longer with us but his legacy will lives on forever.

Misunderstood and mistreated

My MJ sketch is my very own tribute to the "King of Pop". He is one of the artist who inspires me. If you're intelligent enough, don't eat everything the media is feeding you. the Media is the most dangerous, manipulative, infectious virus that can turn your truths to lies in just a blink of an eye. They always wanna see a falling star. Fame became his best friend and at the same time, his enemy.
Yes he was different.
Been in public eye since the age of five. No bdays no christmas strict rehearsal. Haunted by the dark past of abused and battered childhood. Suffered from Vitiligo until death. Accused of child assault after putting up a thousands of charity works, supported the poor, abused, sick, disabled children ever since he was a child.
All the millions earned from his first ever to very last concert down EVERYTHING to charity.
do you have the guts to stand in his shoes for one day?
.. RIP Michael. God decided to end your pain. Your Legend lives on.


Ain't the pictures enough, Why do you go through so much
To get the story you need, so you can bury me
You've got the people confused, you tell the stories you choose
You try to get me to lose the man I really am
you'll even sell your soul just to get a story sold
I need my privacy
So paparazzi, get away from me
Now there's a lesson to learn, stories are twisted and turned
STOP maliciously attacking my INTEGRITY
-Michael Jackson (Privacy)

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