Friday, October 22, 2010

continuation of "God Exists. I'll Prove it"

Fourth. The Death Experience.

Scientist/Doctors/Atheists claim that Death Experience is just part of conscious dreams because your heart stops functioning but it's possible that the brain is still conscious. But my question is why those people who experienced it have the SAME dreams? just when the ECG tracing is flatline. I've researched thousands of people claim the same death experiences. Tunnel, Darkness and Light. But I like to feature These Atheists who died and came back to life as Christians.

                                                                      Howard Storm 

A professor and chairman of the art department at the Northern Kentucky University. An Atheist lived his life with rage before he experienced death (perforated stomach). He knew he was going to die and already said his goodbye to his wife. His death gave him a new life. According to him he was standing outside his own body then someone called out his name and asked him to come. When he hesitated they urged him with rage, then they led him in the darkness, bite his flesh and tore him apart. Because of despair he pray for the first time of his life and cried "Jesus please save me!". Then he was rescued from that dark place by a being of light. His life flashes before his eyes, his life with anger and selfishness. From Atheist to Christian Minister. 

Rev. Howard Storm  is one of those people who were saved by calling out Jesus name.


                                                                     Ian McCormick

 Ian McCormick was a strong Atheist who believed God is just a fairytale or mythology. But when he was stung by the deadly box-shaped jellyfish five times. He was pronounced dead by the doctors, tagged him and placed him at the morgue.  Then he found his self in the darkness, he tried to find a switch, but when he tried to touch to his face his hands just went straight through,  he couldn't touch any part of his body. Then he heard voices shouting "shut up!", "You deserve this!" and told him that he's in Hell.  Then he asked his self is there a God? if there's a God can he hear me? but if you can hear me I don't even know what to pray.  

Then words just appear in front of his eyes and said "forgive our trespassers and sins" then he thought "how on earth can God forgive me? it's too late, I've done too many things wrong, but if you can hear me Please forgive me!". Then more words appeared saying "Forgive those who trespassed and sinned against you". He said that's easy but suddenly someone appeared, the people whom he hate & blame. The voice said "Can you forgive this man who left you for dead?". Then he thought who's voice is this? am I talking to God? I can't forgive this guy. But he realize that God had forgiven him so He have to forgive this guy too.  So he said "I forgive them, I don't know your will but I surrender my life, my will to you". He was embraced by the light, the voice asked him "Do you want to step in or go back?". He definitely want to step in, he felt like he's home and it's miserable down earth, but he was brought back to life. 

He woke up seeing a doctor had a scalpel or some sharp instrument in his hand and he was prodding the base of his foot like a dead piece of meat. He wasn't aware that he was looking at him. Something seemed to spook the doctor and he quickly turned his head to see his right eye open, looking at him. Terror struck his face and he got the distinct impression that he has just seen a dead man looking at him. The doctor jumped and One nurse and orderly freaked out and panicked knocked other girl on the back.

Ian got his life back bearing a new faith. 

He spread God's words and shares his death experience to prove God Exists and it's not too late to believe. 

The Death experience. watch out for more.....

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