Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My strength once more (dedicated to mama)

I admit that i'm a weak person From pretending of course i have a reason My reason is to be someone who was once like me But stronger and can write her own philosophy Though sometimes tears visited your eyes The sun is falling but soon it'll rise Everyone of us has its own mistake But you've decided to risk your life for my own sake Saying "I love you" you know that's a Yakee... thing But you've been watching me since i started walking Taking a step with hands holding me Teaching me what i must be I have no strength left for the coming test Then you give me more at your best I know someday tears might imprison me But from the strength you have given i am free In every bit of success there's someone behind In me i know it's you i will find And in the next life i know exactly what to wish for Is to be your child and you'll be my mom once more... Composed by unnamed soul


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

elynne said...

Whenever i see this poem... tears flowing down my cheeks... I almost see this poem everyday,,, taking up and down the stairs... because the original copy of this with a drawing of a pretty face at the background is hanging on my wall... always makes me cry... I love you my baby.... proud to be your mom...

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